MP Joisar

Mutual Funds Services

We at MP JOISAR FINSERVE understand client needs and objectives, gather all information, Annalise the same information of different schemes, and check various expense ratios considering risks associated with funds and accordingly select funds looking at risk handling appetite of client and further scheme is selected. We provide them with various alternative solutions and options and then implement the final scheme/Plan by the Client. After the Selection of schemes we regularly monitor movements of NAV and update clients accordingly.

Why Mutual Funds ?

Mutual funds are managed by professional fund managers. In this Investors buy shares in mutual funds. These shares represent the ownership of the investor in the funds. They come in a variety of forms.
A trust that invests money in stocks, bonds, money market instruments, and/or other securities after collecting funds from several participants who have similar investing goals.
Investors buy mutual fund shares directly from the funds or the broker for the fund. Mutual haves have high returns. There are many types of mutual funds in the market that suits everyone’s individual investment need.


Why Consider Mutual Funds’ Investments ?

Professional Managers

Professionals with decades of experience handling a variety of assets manage mutual funds. They are a group of dedicated people who manage all financial decisions by the performance and market prospects.

Offers Convenience

Mutual funds are an excellent choice for investments if your goal is to invest less time and want your money to be more accessible. Mutual funds are quite popular due to their minimum investment requirements, multiple alternatives based on one's unique financial goals, and availability for redemption on any business day.

Counter Inflation

A sensible approach to combating inflation is to invest in mutual funds, allowing investors to achieve inflation-adjusted returns without spending much time or energy. By taking this investment decision, you may avoid a decline in the purchasing power of your money over time.

Less Expensive

Mutual funds offer investors the advantage of low-cost investment compared to engaging directly in the capital market. The majority of stock options require a significant initial commitment, yet mutual funds can be introduced with a minimum of Rs. 500 per month and enable investors to make a profit from long-term equity investments.

Safe & Transparent

You don't have to be concerned because your savings are protected. After all, SEBI manages and regulates every mutual fund. Your investments will be managed in an orderly way thanks to SEBI's numerous laws and legal frameworks. Yes, there are threats associated with every investment, but you can minimize these risks and increase your return on investment by making wise choices based on strong market knowledge, fundamentally sound securities, and diversification.

Compounding Power Point

The amount of interest that you earn on your savings keeps getting added back to the principal, and the interest amount is then calculated on the new principal amount. Now, since the principal amount keeps growing every year, so does your return. This is the power of compounding.

Debt Funds

Debt funds are a type of mutual fund scheme that primarily invests in different types of fixed-income securities, such as bonds, treasury bills, etc. As a result, a debt fund offers steady and regular income to investors in the form of debt fund interest rates.

Balanced Mutual Funds

These funds’ target is to maintain an established amount of a combination of both fixed income and stocks. A typical balanced fund usually keeps a payout ratio of 40% fixed income and 60% equity. An equivalent type of fund termed an “Asset Allocation Fund” has objectives that are identical to those of Balanced Funds; however, these funds do not hold a particular proportion of any asset class.

Hybrid Funds

The hybrid fund meaning is inlaid in its name. The portfolio of this type of mutual fund scheme comprises a prudent mix of financial instruments to achieve diversification. This, in turn, mitigates investment risk. Fund managers of hybrid schemes vary the proportion of investment in debt/equity, or any other asset class to fulfill the fund’s objective. After knowing what a hybrid mutual fund is, it is vital for individuals to become familiar with its various types.

Money Market fund

A specific kind of mutual fund that deals in highly secure or low-risk securities is referred to as a money market mutual fund. It is unusual to see the net asset value (NAV) of a money market mutual fund go below one considering the fund’s objective is to preserve its capital. If the securities perform poorly, the NAV might drop below one, however, this is an extremely rare occurrence.

Equity Funds

Long-term capital growth is the primary investment goal of this class of investment funds, which invest largely in equities. Furthermore, numerous equity fund forms are divided into categories based on the size of the company, such as large, medium, or small.

Incomes Funds

By investing in high dividend-producing stocks, government securities, certificates of deposits, corporate bonds, money market instruments, and debentures, income funds concentrate mainly on generating steady earnings for investors.

Systematic Transfer Plan

What is STP ?

STP is a method through which one makes a one-time investment in one mutual fund scheme and at regular intervals transfers a certain amount into another scheme within the same mutual fund firm. Gradually, STP assists by lowering risks to a significant level and generating favorable returns. STP, in its simplest sense, refers to transferring an investment from one asset or asset type into another. Over time, this transfer process takes place gradually.


Types of STP

Fixed STP

In this case, the investors transfer a certain amount from a particular investment to another.

Capital Appreciation STP

In this STP, investors withdraw their earnings from a specific investment and put them into another.

Flexi STP

In this particular STP, the investor has the choice to contribute a flexible amount to the investment.


Helps in Re-balancing Portfolio

A portfolio can be efficiently balanced via STP as this strategy offers the allocation of investments from equity to debt or vice versa. You may switch your investment from an equity fund to a debt fund if your investment equity goes up.

Consistent Returns

Through STP, one might continue their investment in a debt or liquid fund while transferring the predetermined amount to a target equity fund. As an outcome, an investor can gain from the returns of the equity fund to which the money is being transferred while being additionally safeguarded because some of the investment is still debt-based.

Averaging of Cost

STP assists in acquiring units when rates are lower and vice versa, and this helps to balance out the cost.

Power of Consumption

In comparison to other elements, time has the most impact on your investment portfolio. Because investments have the capacity to appreciate in value over time, the longer the time perspective, the greater the benefit. In order to get the most from the power of compounding, financial professionals consistently advise clients to begin saving early.

Equity Linked Savings Scheme

What is ELSS ?

As the name suggests, ELSS, or Equity Linked Savings Scheme, is an equity-based mutual fund. One may make investments in tax-advantaged mutual funds through ELSS. The positive aspects of investing with ELSS are numerous.
Investors that invest in ELSS receive tax reductions along with the perks of capital growth. However, ELSS generates more valuable long-term returns despite having a slightly little higher risk.

Benefits of ELSS

Equity's Potential in Getting Return
Equities are recognized for offering potentially greater long-term gains than other commercial tax-saving strategies. As a consequence, one may develop a portfolio more effectively & efficiently with ELSS while still keeping in mind the long-term perspectives.
Tax Saving Instruments
Investments in ELSS are shielded from taxation under section 80C. Furthermore, when a year has passed, returns from equity funds are tax-free. Although ELSS funds undergo a 3-year lock-in period, returns, dividends, and capital gains are all tax-free during this period.
Outperforming Funds
The most suitable option is to invest in ELSS funds if you desire to save money and obtain profits of a minimum of 15%.
Financial Goal Planning
When it comes to planning for the future, ELSS funds are the best because inflation outpaces returns. One can easily accomplish their specified goals, such as acquiring their dream home, children's education, a wedding, a car, and other things, with the help of a professional financial counselor.
Less Lock in Duration
ELSS funds have a 3-year lock-in period, which is shorter than the periods of lock-in for PPFs, FDs, and NSCs, among other choices for investing.
Investment Option
One has an option of either investing in one go i.e. lump sum amount or can opt for SIP. SIP or Systematic Investment Planning is where a certain amount gets deducted from your account every month.

Systematic Investment Plan

What is SIP ?

Unlike a lump sum investment, you can invest a fixed sum of money over a period of time at specific intervals through SIP. Prospective investors must note that SIP is simply a method of investing in mutual funds and not a type of mutual fund. So, you can think of a SIP mutual fund as an MF scheme that allows individuals to invest in it via SIPs. Moreover, the returns generated through such an investment plan are known as SIP returns.


Offering a hassle-free way of investing, one can establish a standing order to have the SIP amount regularly debited from their bank account.

Disciplined Saving

By committing to regular investments through a SIP, you are investing. Consequently, the SIP helps one develop a disciplined saving habit while sketching out a plan for achieving their financial objectives and desires.


It is typically recommended to continue SIP with an eye towards the future, although one can choose to increase or reduce the amount as they prefer.

Long Terms Gains

Due to rupee cost averaging and the power of compounding, investing through SIPs provides profits over the long run. Rupee cost averaging is an automatic market timing strategy that does not require market timing.

Systematic Withdrawal Plan

What is SWP?

SWP or systematic withdrawal plan is a mutual fund investment plan, through which investors can withdraw fixed amounts at regular intervals, for example – monthly/ quarterly/ yearly from the investment they have made in any mutual fund scheme.

Navigating Your Finances with Consistency

SWP is a systematic method of withdrawing funds from investments over a period of time, providing a steady stream of income while allowing the principal to potentially grow. This strategy offers a predictable and sustainable approach to managing your financial needs in retirement or during other life stages.

Understanding the Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP)

The core concept of SWP revolves around regular withdrawals from your investment portfolio, such as mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs), over a predetermined period. Unlike lump-sum withdrawals, SWP enables you to receive a fixed amount or a certain percentage of your investment value at regular intervals. This systematic approach ensures a consistent cash flow, which can be especially valuable in retirement when you are no longer reliant on a fixed monthly salary.

Systematic Withdrawal Plan

Benefits of Implementing a Systematic Withdrawal Plan

  1. Consistency: SWP ensures a consistent income stream, helping you budget effectively and maintain your desired standard of living.
  2. Market Participation: By staying invested, your portfolio has the potential to benefit from market gains, allowing your investments to grow even as you withdraw funds.
  3. Risk Mitigation: SWP reduces the risk of timing the market incorrectly, as you are not making lump-sum withdrawals based on market fluctuations.
  4. Financial Independence: For retirees, SWP offers a way to enjoy financial independence without relying solely on pensions or Social Security.
  5. Estate Planning: SWP can be structured to leave a legacy for your heirs. Any remaining funds can continue to be invested or passed on to beneficiaries.

Why Consider a Systematic Withdrawal Plan

  1. Tailored to Your Needs: SWP can be customized to align with your financial goals, risk tolerance, and income requirements.
  2. Predictable Income: Knowing how much you will receive regularly provides peace of mind and helps you plan for expenses.
  3. Controlled Taxation: With careful planning, SWP can help you manage tax implications by strategically timing withdrawals.
  4. Adaptable to Life Changes: Whether you’re facing medical expenses or planning a significant life event, SWP can be adjusted to accommodate changing circumstances.
  5. Investment Diversification: SWP encourages you to maintain a diversified investment portfolio, reducing the impact of poor-performing assets.

In Conclusion

The Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP) offers a structured and calculated approach to managing your finances in retirement or during various life stages. By creating a steady stream of income while keeping your investments intact, SWP provides a balanced solution that aligns with your financial goals and risk tolerance. This strategy offers benefits like consistency, market participation, and risk mitigation, making it a compelling choice for individuals seeking financial stability and independence. As you embark on your journey towards a secure financial future, consider integrating the SWP approach into your comprehensive financial plan to navigate the seas of uncertainty with confidence and consistency.
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